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oak wilt造句

"oak wilt"是什么意思  
  • Other diseases of trees to be controlled were Oak wilt and Chestnut blight.
  • Oak wilt is transmitted mostly through the interconnecting root systems of live oaks.
  • One caveat : Shumard oaks and live oaks are susceptible to oak wilt.
  • Oak wilt is a devastating disease, killing trees rapidly in a single season.
  • The beetles carry the oak wilt spores to healthy oak trees.
  • And the disease she's diagnosing isn't cancer; it's oak wilt.
  • By 1989, Williamson Creek Greenbelt had been infested with oak wilt, a non-native fungus.
  • Burning wood with oak wilt does not spread the disease.
  • Alamo is primarily recommended for treatment of oak wilt.
  • Passive oak wilt control on large acreages creates short and long term problems for oaks.
  • It's difficult to see oak wilt in a sentence. 用oak wilt造句挺难的
  • Oak wilt affects all oak species, but affects tyloses.
  • Several species are important plant pathogens, causing diseases such as oak wilt and pineapple black rot.
  • Photograph of spores produced by the oak wilt fungus . ( a ) Endoconidia ( b ) Conidiophore
  • It causes Japanese oak wilt disease, and is spread by the ambrosia beetle ( " Platypus quercivorus " ).
  • The pathogen isn't related to the oak wilt fungus, which attacks Eastern U . S . oaks, they say.
  • Oak wilt usually moves from diseased trees to healthy trees through roots that have become interconnected ( root grafts ).
  • The diagnosis was oak wilt, an infectious fungal disease that has been ravaging oaks in the Hill Country for decades.
  • White oak group trees rarely produce spore mats, so overland spread of oak wilt "'from white oaks "'is not a problem.
  • Because of this difference in porosity, red oak group trees die faster from oak wilt disease than white oak group trees.
  • Symptoms of oak wilt include leaves with veins that turn yellow or brown, while the rest of the leaf stays green.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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